Pruning Hydroponic Plants – GROZINE

Pruning Hydroponic Plants Trimming and Training for Bigger Flowers & Fruits Pruning hydroponic plants is a virtually free and highly effective way to get more flowers and fruits from your crop, whether growing in hydroponics greenhouses, organic gardens and especially indoors growing under lights. Pruning hydroponic plants is especially important because growth can be so much … Read more

Safe Garden Pest Controls – GROZINE

Safe Garden Pest Controls Getting Rid of Bugs in the Garden Safely If you garden then you are sure to have come up against an insect issue at one time or another. Thankfully, safe garden pest controls are more available than ever. Having many options that won’t harm you or the environment while getting rid … Read more

Growing Mix Root Aeration – GROZINE

Growing Mix Root Aeration How To Get More Root Oxygen Getting good growing mix root aeration makes for healthier plants that can grow faster and yield more beautiful flowers and fruits in your garden.  When growing for higher yields in less space, it’s a critical not to overlook growing mix root aeration using soilless or … Read more

Hydroponic Seed Strains Selections – GROZINE

Hydroponic Seed Strains Picking Strains for Hydroponics & Water Culture Systems Choosing the right hydroponic seed strains can make fundamental differences in how your cropping experience may turn out when urban farming with hydroponics in recirculating water culture systems like NFT (nutrient film technique), RDWC (recirculating deep water culture), DFT (deep flow technique) and others. … Read more

Fertilizing Hydroponic Gardens – GROZINE

Fertilizing Hydroponic Gardens Fundamentals to Follow for Best Success Fertilizing hydroponics gardens for best success is easy once you read through this quick lesson on how to determine how much fertilizer to apply to your particular type of hydroponic systems or growing method. Just like different soil types will perform better when you understand how … Read more

DeChlorination Gardening – GROZINE

DeChlorination Gardening Chlorine Removal For Healthier Plants & Harvests DeChlorination gardening is an often overlooked yet vital link in the health and quality of organic, conventional and hydroponic harvests.  Naturally, dechlorination gardening with Aquaponics systems is also essential as with any type of aquatic production in ponds, aquaculture or aquatic plants. Our friends at HydroLogic … Read more