Our 40th Anniversary – AmHydro

This 40 year anniversary comes at a critical time for the industry. The age of free money for agritech moonshots is over, but a desperate need for innovation continues.

We’re committed to continuing to lead on innovations that will stick.

In less than two weeks at Indoor AgCon, our VP, Joe Swartz, will help convene a panel called “Cutting Through the Noise: Navigating the Future of CEA with Candid Insights.” Hopefully you can join us! It will be held on Tuesday, March 12, at 1:30pm.

This will also be the first year ever that we’ll have a presence on the expo floor, joined with our partners in innovation, Ryzee.

If you’ve never had the opportunity to see our systems firsthand, please stop by. We’d love to show you our best in class horticultural growing systems and talk about how we can help you grow your business. We’ll even be giving away an Apple Watch!

We’re proud of our 40 years of industry leadership, but we’re already thinking about how to keep serving you for the next 40.

Thanks for following along!


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